Labels:book | computer system | crt screen | monitor | window OCR: AppleShare File Server inK-12 Education File Edit Server Server Name Volumes: School Lab Writing Math users: Dave Roth Johnny Jones Suzie Kelley Don Fields AppleShare Fri Nov 20 1987 4:49 15 PM Activity LTLIL busy Overview The AppleShare File Server By giving every user access tc File Server will greatly increase lets users on an AppleTalk ner the same documents and applica- the productivity of any lab class work share information quickly tion programs AppleShare File room, library or administration and easily AppleShare turns a Server simplifies and speeds up office with Macintosh Apple Ile, dedicated Macintosha Plus school work -whether it involves Apple IIGS or MS-DOS computers Macintosh SE or Macintosh II creating Caes lists, updating stu- computer with one or more dent stories or prod ...